Have your say on Quillaja extract
Submissions on an Application to use Quillaja extract as a food additive are being sought by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ).
Application A1075 - Quillaja Extract as a Food Additive (Emulsifier) has been lodged by Ingredion ANZ Pty Ltd and has been assessed by FSANZ.
“Quillaja extract has a history of safe use in a number of countries where it is used to emulsify oil-soluble substances, which include flavours and colours, in various beverages,” said FSANZ CEO Steve McCutcheon.
“FSANZ has not identified any public health and safety concerns associated with the proposed addition of Quillaja extract to the food categories requested.”
Quillaja extract is obtained by aqueous extraction of the bark, stems and branches of the Quillaja saponaria tree (also known as the soap bark tree), which is native to China and South America.
Submissions on the Application close on 6 September 2013. Information on how to make a submission is available here.
This information is reproduced with the kind permission of FSANZ.
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