Food industry urged to commit to a better future
International project delivery company Wiley is challenging the food and agriculture industry to become more eco-friendly with The Better Future Video.
Launched at the Australian Food & Grocery Council (AFGC) conference, the video aims to shine a light on how to protect the future environment. The company is calling for the government, community and businesses to come together to think holistically about the world, and to leave behind a better future for generations to come.
“We can’t have more people without less waste, less packaging, less emissions, less complacency,” explained The Better Future Food Video.
“This video has given us a platform to share with the world the great opportunities and challenges our world faces. It is up to every one of us to step up and find a better way,” said Wiley’s Managing Director, Tom Wiley.
As well as helping clients to find better solutions and project innovations that create eco-friendly results and address animal welfare concerns, Wiley has implemented several initiatives internally:
- Wiley HQ in Brisbane has a colony of hundreds of thousands of honey bees on the rooftop. Bees contribute to over 97% of global food production and this is its contribution to a thriving bee population supporting the food industry.
- The company invests in personal development, such as its Internal Leadership Effectiveness Authenticity Program (LEAP).
- Wiley hosts weekly lunchbox sessions with external and internal knowledge leaders to share advances and innovations in eco-friendly and bio-friendly tech, sustainable practices and products; for example, how to make beeswax food wrappers.
- It has recently built Australia’s largest charity kitchen at cost for FareShare.
- The HQ is an eco-award-winning premises. It has won the following: the Master Builders Association State Award for ‘Excellence in Building for Queensland’s Climate’ ($2–10M); Major Winner for Building’s Owner/Tenant in the Energex Sustainable Buildings Awards; and a commendation for Environmentally Sustainable Design in the Interior Design Awards.
“Let’s get the future right together. It’s not ours to get wrong,” the video concluded.
To watch The Better Future Video, visit:
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